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Increased number of cancer patients in Serbia because of the NATO bombing 

The Left Anchor

It has been shown that the rapid growth in the number of cancer patients on Kosovo and other regions of Serbia and in Bosnia-Herzegovina today is related to the humanitarian intervention of NATO in the second half of the 90s twentieth century.

According to official data released during the NATO bombing of Serbia 113 locations in 300 tons of radioactive ammunition. According to the documentation of NATO missiles were fired 31 000 radioactive. According to the Russian Federation would be 90 000. According to information from NATO in the Republic of Serbia (now part of Bosnia and Herzegovina) were released six tonnes of DU ammunition, especially in the region of Hadžić, Pala and Han Pijesak, thereby threatening the lives of more than 100 000 people. According to NATO in Serbia were released 13 tons of depleted uranium ammunition.

Statistics show that since 1999 the number of patients with malignant tumors in Serbia has increased six times. The number of patients with malignant tumors of the province of Kosovska Mitrovica since 1999 has increased by 100%, while the number of inhabitants in the province has decreased by 20% compared to the original level. 80% of victims in the province of malignant tumors have become ill as a result of radioactive ammunition, banging suddenly to lose weight, feel physically weak and coughing up blood. Especially relevant are such cases of children Bosnian Serbs, which began shortly after the “humanitarian bombings” of losing fingernails, hair and skin.

I am appalled by the brutal consequences of the “humanitarian bombing” and express my solidarity with their victims, because of the use of depleted uranium 238 in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina today have lost their lives, their health or that of his close. If you have a position similar to the events described in this group also invite your friends.

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