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“I began researching things that I had never even heard of and I am now completely shaken!”

Editor's Note: They did such a sloppy job on 9-11-01 that a 10 year old could figure it out! Did you know that Bush's brother worked security for the WTC? Larry Silverstein even admitted on national TV that they decided to pull building 7! He didn't realize at the time that you can not wire a 47 story skyscraper the same day of the demolition. It takes days or even weeks of planning. That means the bombs and nano-thermite were placed in the building before 9-11-01. If you want to believe Snopes... I feel sorry for you. Larry specifically said,"Maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it and we watched the building collapse!!" WTFU!! I won't even get into the fact that the BBC announced that building 7 fell before it even collapsed. They had the script already written. I could go on forever about their stupidity. #dumbasscriminals

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