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Washington puppet Mevlut Cavusoglu calls for a ceasefire to prevent rebel defeat

EDITOR'S NOTE: Russia and Syria are not falling for the deception. Russia fell for "the old cease fire trick" once and that was enough!

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu called for an immediate ceasefire in Syria on Friday, describing the situation in Aleppo as critical and saying that President Bashar al-Assad was unfit to rule.

Asked about Assad at a news conference in Beirut, Cavusoglu said it was undeniable that the Syrian leader was responsible for 600,000 deaths and that somebody with that record should not be running a country.

NATO member Turkey is a major backer of rebels fighting to oust Assad. The rebels have come under siege in eastern Aleppo after rapid advances by Syrian government forces in recent days, bringing them to the brink of a major defeat.

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