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Trump is the enemy of our enemy

I saw the title of this post on a message board and I thought to myself... that's perfect! It's short, sweet and to the point!

Trump is the enemy of our enemy!!

It has to be obvious at this point to anyone with an IQ over 20 unless they're completely brainwashed by the MSM.

Everything they accused Trump of doing, the Democrats were doing X 1,000,000!

When have you ever heard a US president talk about the globalists? Trump does and he does it all the time!!!

Globalism is dead! I saw a news report a day or 2 ago that said the U.S. doesn't make enough gloves for doctors and nurses! We have to get them from China!! The same goes for N95 masks. I read a NY Times article that said over 80% of N95's are made in China!

I thought the MSM said the NWO was a conspiracy theory. The fact that they(former administrations) set up all of the harmful trade deals(NAFTA, TPP, etc) should be proof to anyone that it was intentional. The enemy is not stupid. Why was China given MFN status? Bill Clinton, during his campaign, promised to reverse China's MFN status. He never did because China was to be the hub of the NWO! Trump came in and reversed years of their demonic work and effort.

The Great Reset is upon us.

They can't have their NWO if the USA is economically superior to other nations. They moved our manufacturing overseas in an effort to destroy the US, avoid regulations and make more profits.

Their plan was to bring the US down, raise up other nations and dictate their satanic agenda to the entire world. Global governance doesn't seem to be what the ppl want. Brexit was a clear sign to the devil worshipers that their plan for total global control using technology as their enforcement arm may not be as easy as they once thought!!

Our DNA is evolving and the evil ones can't stop the evolution!

If America falls, the world falls.

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