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What's happened to Jill Stein?

Who got to Jill Stein? It's incredulous that she would support a recount that would benefit Hillary Clinton! It wasn't too long ago that Jill said,"A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for war!"

What is Jill's motive?

Why is she supporting recounts in battleground states (Mi, Pa and Wi) that Trump won by a narrow margin and not in states that Hillary won by an even narrower margin?

Jill, IMHO, has lost all credibility!

Maybe, she's been offered a position in a Hillary Clinton cabinet should the election be stolen from Trump!

If TPTB think the ppl are going to sit around idly and accept a Hillary presidency after stealing the election from Trump! They've miscalculated, again!

After all, it wouldn't be stealing the election from Trump... it would be stealing it from the people of the United States of America!!!

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