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The Fallacy of Ron Paul

Alicia Hope

Ron Paul likes to rant against the Patriot Act,  the TSA, the Fed, the IRS, the NWO wars AND the evil police state! Don't get me wrong, I love it when he stands up to the "bullies in the school yard!"

The problem is that he stated that 9/11 was not an inside job during the 2008 presidential campaign. Ron knows better! Trust me! Either he was forced to say what he said or he didn't want to alienate potential voters. It takes courage to really make change in the world. It takes a lot of courage!!!

The government's argument is that 9/11 was a terrorist attack and that they have to crack down so that another attack does not occur. We all know that's a lie but at least their argument is congruent. It's logical! Spock, from Star Trek, would concur with their assessment! If 9/11 had been a true attack from enemy elements outside of the United States, we might need some additional security measures. And, securing the borders would have to be number one on the list.

Ron can't have his cake and eat it, too!

He can't play tennis from both sides of the net. That's what he doesn't realize. That's why he won't win in 2012.

Millions of 9/11 Truthers were hurt in 2008 not only by what he said but how he said what he said. The expression on his face was one of disgust and hate for us. We helped put him on the map!!! Ron felt that we were ruining his chances of winning. That assumption was insane and very wrong. The truth has to come out! Time is of the essence! The police state, TSA groping and military tribunals have sprouted like weeds by watering the 9/11 government lie.

I even sent Ron Paul money during his 2008 money bombs(before his 911 comments) and I had never sent a politician money.

9/11 Truthers need to assess their Ron Paul affiliation. They at least need to pull the knifes out of their backs that Ron put there in 2008.

9/11 was "a coup d'etat" to overthrow the government, allowing the secret government [to] make legal each and every breach of the constitution that [they] had in mind.

Ron knows the truth. It is too bad he doesn't have the courage to say so!

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