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Events of 9/11 to be discussed in Cork 

An alternative theory about what happened in New York on September 11th, 2001 will be presented to a Cork audience next week. American Richard Gage is the founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth and believes that a series of explosions were actually responsible for the collapse of three World Trade Centre buildings and not jet fuel fires as maintained by the US Government.

A San Francisco-based architect with 23 years experience, Gage’s suspicions began as he watched events unfolding live on television but it was not until four years later - when he heard testimony describing a series of explosions in and around the WTC buildings before, during and after the structures collapsed - that he took a more serious interest. US activist Luke Rudkowski and former MEP Kathy Sinnott will also speak at The Masterplan event.

“People coming along to the Montenotte Hotel will learn about the 1,500 architects and engineers that are demanding a new investigation into the destruction of all three World Trade Centre high-rise buildings,” Mr. Gage explained to the The Cork News this week. “The third tower was World Trade Centre 7 and we realised that we, as professionals, knew nothing about the third worst structural failure in modern history when a 47-story skyscraper dropped cleanly, symmetrically and straight down into its own footprint. 

"Our Government told us the destruction was caused by small, scattered fires but that makes no sense because fire had never brought a skyscraper down before and it’s not what was seen at the base of these buildings. We don’t see a gravitational collapse - 90,000 tonnes of concrete was pulversied in mid air and four tonne perimeter wall units were ejected and landed 600 feet away.

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