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Giant filament wave may create hyder flare upon collapse

 GRAND FILAMENT: A magnificent filament of magnetism is curling around the sun’s southeastern quadrant today. Measuring more than 700,000 km from end to end, the vast structure is about twice as long as the separation between Earth and the Moon. Arrows trace the filament’s meandering path in this extreme UV image from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory:  It’s not easy for such a filament to remain suspended indefinitely above the stellar surface, and indeed a collapse is possible. Filaments falling onto the sun can trigger explosions called “Hyder flares.” Is one in the offing? Readers with solar telescopes are encouraged to monitor developments. –SpaceWeather.com

We should anticipate more severe disruptions of the Earth’s geomagnetic field and tectonic/volcanic activity.

Perhaps through accelerated evolutionary changes in our DNA, which seems to be been programmed for general “improvement,” life is preparing to leave this planet and move on to other places - even other dimensions entirely - in order to survive a catastrophic demise of most or all life on Earth.  The 2012 era is upon us, and perhaps sooner rather than later we will learn the implications of that fact.

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