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Gaddafi offers truce as NATO hits Tripoli 


Muammar Gaddafi has said he will not quit power and called on negotiations with the United States and France to end the Libyan conflict, in a speech aired on television.

NATO bombs struck a Libyan government complex, damaging two buildings, just as Gaddafi called for a ceasefire in a live speech on state TV.

The targeted compound included the state television building, and a Libyan official alleged the strikes were meant to kill Gaddafi.

"We believe the target was the leader," said government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim. However, the TV building was not damaged, and Gaddafi spoke from an undisclosed location.

Reporters visiting the scene of the strikes were told the damaged buildings housed a commission for women and children and offices of parliament staff.

One of at least three bombs or missiles knocked down a huge part of a two-storey Italian-style building. In another, doors were blown out and ceiling tiles dropped to the ground. A policeman said three people were wounded, one seriously

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/world/gaddafi-offers-truce-as-nato-hits-tripoli-20110430-1e1t3.html#ixzz1L0t1QW7d

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