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Chernobyl effect on the economy 

Cold and homeless ...  residents of a home for the elderly in Kesennuma sit in a shelter, rugging up against temperatures in the disaster zone that have dropped below freezing.

A FULL-BLOWN nuclear disaster in Japan, though unlikely, could lead to a new global economic crisis, according to Europe's top trade official.

''We have gone through that experience in Europe with Chernobyl'' in 1986, said the European Union's trade commissioner, Karel De Gucht, during a visit to Sydney yesterday.

A big uncontrolled release of radioactivity "has a major impact on the economy but it also has a major impact on people's behaviour," Mr De Gucht told the Herald. "It would really be out of control."

"People are extremely afraid, worried, don't take risks any more, reject anything that is new. The impact of a nuclear crisis is lethal in the military sense of the word, but it's also very much psychological."

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