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Repost: Charts, Lies and Chalkboards

"In the case of Khalid Sheik Muhammed, by the time it was over he was not was not only talking, he was practically conducting a seminar, complete with chalkboards and charts. It turned out he had a professorial side, and our guys didn’t mind at all if classes ran long. At some point, the mastermind of 9/11 became an expansive briefer on the operations and plans of al-Qaeda. It happened in the course of enhanced interrogations. All the evidence, and common sense as well, tells us why he started to talk." --- Dick Cheney


Dick Cheney needs to be on trial, not KSM! It's unbelievable to me that this man is still ranting about the legality of torture. It's like a ginormous Broadway play has ended, the curtain is down but the actor doesn't know that the audience has left the building. It is insane behavior. Is Mr Cheney hoping the audience will return? Is he speaking to the janitors and clean up crew that have to pick up the trash and garbage after a packed house? We, the audience, want our money back. The acting was horrific! The evidence is clear! The WTC buildings in New York were destroyed by high-tech explosives.

The former CFR director wants us to believe that the war games on 9/11 were a coincidence. Correct me if I'm wrong but KSM didn't schedule the war games that were occuring on 9/11. Elements within the US government had to implement Vigilant Guardian, Global Guardian and the other exercises. How could KSM plan an attack at the same time as the war games? That is preposterous. We'd have to be complete idiots to buy into that supposition! The war games were used to confuse the air traffic controllers as well as NORAD.

Mr Cheney was in the PEOC on the morning of 9/11 and he gave a stand down order. The plane(supposedly flight 77) traveling toward the Pentagon was not to be shot down! Norman Mineta's testimony about what happened in the PEOC, never made it into the 9/11 commission report because it was too controversial. Why weren't people ordered to evacuate the building if Cheney knew the plane was 50 miles out? Why wasn't the incoming object at the Pentagon shot down? (Because there was a stand down order.) They let people die and get injured when the Pentagon could have been evacuated. Why did Cheney, multiple times, change his timeline about when he got to the PEOC? Did KSM give the directive to stand down so more people could die? Was the VP taking orders from Al Qaeda? Why was the US military training the hijackers? In October 2006, a New York Times/CBS poll found that only 16% of Americans believe they have been told the whole truth about this administration's foreknowledge of the September 11 attacks! In 2007, more than 50 percent of Americans wanted Congress to investigate Cheney and Bush's conduct prior to, during and following the September 11 attacks! Today, it would probably be 70 percent or more.

The chalkboards and charts that the former VP is talking about have about as much credibility as the charts and drawings that a drunk named Curveball came up with when discussing Iraq's mobile biological weapons labs. It's the same old story! Curveball was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to lie for the New World Order. This individual is now in hiding with a new identity. Will he be able to hide forever? I don't think so!

It's a disgusting charade that has destroyed America and they want us to get in line to purchase another ticket for another war theatre in Afghanistan that could last decades!

No, thank you! No, thank you!

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Reader Comments (1)

Dam your former VP got a hell of a mug...

November 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDrBell74

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