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Nader Supports New Inquiry Into 9/11

Ralph Nader, the consumer activist and independent presidential candidate, seems to think that the report of the commission assigned to investigate the events of 9-11 should not be the last word.

"There are unanswered questions in the 9-11 investigation, and they should be answered," Nader said at a recent address at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. "How do you go from plausibility to evidence? You have a more independent inquiry."

On the morning of September 11, 2001, airliners collided with each of the twin towers of New York City’s World Trade Center, after which they and a third nearby office building mysteriously collapsed. Other incidents on the same day at the Pentagon and in a field in Pennsylvania were also attributed to aircraft collisions. All were pitched by the government as the result of a terrorist conspiracy, although it is widely believed that the government may have played a direct role in orchestrating the events.

After public cries for an investigation, President George Bush and Congress deputized the 9-11 Commission, which issued its report in 2004. While the report was praised by some, critics contended that it was not much more than a government whitewash.

On another topic, Nader had kind words to say for presidential candidate, Ron Paul.

"Ron Paul is very good on foreign policy," he said. "He's a refreshing voice."

Nader also praised Paul for his outspoken opposition to the aggressive U.S. stance against Iran and the so-called “war-on-drugs.”

Paul is vying with John McCain for the Republican presidential nomination.

Nader’s remarks were made on April 4, and aired on C-SPAN today.

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