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Post 9/11 Air Safety Proposal: Shock-Bracelets Controlled by Flight Crew

Before you watch the YouTube clip, remember that on the 9/11 flights, there were no Arabic names on the flight manifests! Check for yourself! Flight 11, Flight 175, Flight 77, and Flight 93. I thought the government said the hijackers brought their tickets like everyone else. Why aren't their names on the manifests? How is it that some of the hijackers trained at SECURE U.S. military bases? It's unbelievable!!! Now, they're trying to use 9/11 to sell us on shock-bracelets! What if we decide not to fly or better yet, maybe we should fly out of this cage...never to return!!!

So, your biometrics have been taken, you carry your ID with you at all times, your DNA is stored in an international database, you walk beneath a surveillance grid of CCTV cameras, you are a slave to the New World Order!

What's next?

The EMD shock bracelet! The Electro muscular disruption bracelets could become the tag of choice for airlines. From knocking out the thousands of crazed terrorists currently using the airlines, to "reconditioning" non compliant citizens, it is the new weapon of choice. Lampard firearms and training systems are promoting the Bracelet for use in airports.

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