New Lie: A policeman climbed on the roof of the bldg but fell down!
Monday, July 15, 2024 at 02:34AM
Gangster Government

There is a new report that a cop was able to get on the roof top of the building where the sniper hid. The witnesses on the ground never mentioned that they saw a cop on the roof with the shooter. There is no video showing a cop confronting the shooter on the roof! The new report suspiciously came out after witnesses reported seeing a man on the roof with a rifle.

A police officer supposedly got on the roof but fell down when the shooter pointed the rifle at him. Trained officers usually shoot criminals before the gun is pointed at them. If someone has a long rifle, there is no way to spin around and point it at an officer before the officer fires his hand gun. That's ridiculous. Even if the officer fell he could have still shot Thomas Crooks. They want us to believe that a trained officer was so fearful that he fell down before he could get off a shot! lol!! Why didn't any of the witnesses see the police officer on the roof? None of the witnesses mentioned seeing a police officer on the roof with the shooter!

The new report is obviously an attempt to answer the question as to why police or secret service didn't remove trump from the stage prior to the shooting. Or better yet... why didn't the counter sniper fire first?

I won't waste any more of your time with this laughable explanation as to why the shooter was able to fire off as many as 8 shots after witnesses alerted secret service and police of the shooter on the roof!

Obviously... what happened in Pennsylvania was not incompetence. It was a deep state op!

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