How 'Crossfire Hurricane' blew it: Russia collusion hoax was built on thin air
Friday, June 5, 2020 at 07:58PM
Gangster Government

The political winds have shifted in Washington. The law enforcers who abused their badges to launch a political inquisition targeting Donald Trump are themselves now exposed to the furies they unleashed. It’s poetic justice — without the poetry. The process may be painful, but the nation is less likely to suffer a coup redo if the instigators have their cover-up blown.

Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein underwent a grilling by members of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, when he defended his decision to appoint special counsel Robert Mueller to investigate the Trump campaign team on the basis of information gathered by agents behind “Crossfire Hurricane,” the code-named operation to spy on associates of the Republican candidate prior to the 2016 election.

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