"Fake News" Hysteria Is #PizzaGate Damage Control!
Wednesday, December 7, 2016 at 01:34PM
Gangster Government

The media protests PizzaGate too much. Something is odd here. The U.S. corporate media has never done a concerted push to warn viewers and readers about an incoming "fake news surge." NEVER. Nor has an exiting President warned his supporters about vile fake news, ever before. What are they preparing the public for? It is to discredit and distract from PizzaGate as more and more disturbing, and undeniable, connections bubble to the surface. This Fake News push, like their attempt to sway the past election in favor of Hillary Clinton, will fail miserably. It will further alienate readers and viewers from the elitist, rigged, complicit corporate media. Wonder why we have such a dysfunctional government, and world? Literal Satanic pedophile elites in D.C. twisting the resources of the media and law enforcement to cover their own tracks, and to further enable their disgusting fetish, would explain a lot. PizzaGate is not fake news, but the media is protesting too much here, which reveals their hand - someone is terrified of a public discussing PizzaGate, too bad, because I suspect the public is going to be talking plenty about these pizza emails in the months ahead.

Article originally appeared on GangsterGovernment.com (https://gangstergovernment.com/).
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