Truth is the new Hate Speech: List of 200 Forbidden Websites that Tell the Truth
Sunday, December 4, 2016 at 08:23AM
Gangster Government

The other day I was surprised to see an email in my inbox from Syed, my New Delhi  correspondent. He has been writing to me on and off for the last 5-6 years. The news he brought shocked me to the bone and made me roll my eyes in disbelief.

Syed doesn’t waste words. He is known for his terseness. I noticed, to my astonishment, that the name of my humble website ( was now on a List of Forbidden Websites. The link came from Zero Hedge, a well-known dissident site known for its alternative and politically incorrect news items.  Zero Hedge was itself on the Forbidden List, along with most of my other favorite websites.

My response to Syed: “Wow! What have I done to deserve this unexpected honor?

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