ISIS fighters have entered UK posing as migrants & will STRIKE next 
Saturday, December 3, 2016 at 05:36PM
Gangster Government

EDITOR'S NOTE: This was all part of their plan! Create the problem, gauge the reaction, and come up with a solution that serves the elite!

The security service warned ISIS jihadis are using migrant routes to smuggle crazed fighters in to wage terror across the continent.

Here they will plot to attack European countries, with Britain “high on the target list” for aggression from the sick terror cult.

A shocking report published on Friday by Europol said: “It is indisputable that some have entered the EU posing as refugees.

“The jihadists using the migration flows may only be ‘expendable’ footmen, while highly trained and expert operatives may be provided with genuine or false travel documents and use more sophisticated routes.”

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