The Republican Electors better do the right thing!!!
Sunday, December 11, 2016 at 10:54AM
Gangster Government

IMHO, I don't believe they are crazy enough to assassinate Trump but they are going after the Republican electors! The Hamilton Electors need to convince at least 37 Republican electors to abandon Trump. 37 is the magic number! This is unreal! They want to thwart the will of the people by stealing the election from Trump!

Now, you understand why Trump has put some DC swamp dwellers in his cabinet! He knew that he would need 270 votes from the Republican electors to get in. He was, in part, trying not to alienate some Republicans. If they can force 37 electors to switch their vote to a more moderate Republican, Trump may be out as president. How many Republican electors have already changed their minds about voting for Trump? We'll find out on Dec 19th.

Some Democratic electors plan to abandon HRC and vote for a more moderate Republican in order to convince Republicans to follow suit for the "good" of the country! In their fantasy scenario of bringing Trump’s total below 270, the decision would go to the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, which would likely support DJT, anyway.

This is incredible! Their obscene lie about Russian propaganda is a ruse to force the electors to change their votes. Rogue electors are already colluding with the Clinton camp!! Did you know that Hillary's husband — former President Bill Clinton — is a Democratic elector for New York? What if Bill Clinton becomes a Hamilton Elector, votes against his wife, and votes for a Republican like Condi Rice who wasn't even running?

They are risking civil disobedience or even civil war in order to change the election results!

Here is their list of top Trump replacements! They are all puppets of the NWO!

Twenty-nine states require their electors to vote for the candidate who received the most votes within their borders.

In North Carolina, Michigan and Utah, deviating from the state’s popular vote is considered an automatic resignation and the elector is replaced, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Most of the states only impose penalties, criminal or otherwise, on faithless electors after they have voted.

The globalists better be careful!

The internationalists are so out of touch with reality that it is simply amazing.

This is a warning to the New World Order!

You lost!

Get over it!!

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