
FBI Whistleblower: Pentagon, CIA, NATO and MI6 Were Masterminds Behind 9/11

“As Far As People Who Ran The Show, It Was The Highest Levels of NATO, the U.S., MI6, CIA And The Pentagon”

Sibel Edmonds has just released her fantastic spy thriller, The Lone Gladio (available on Amazon). Here’s our review, comparing it to the best of Clancy or Ludlum … but with a twist.

In the real world, Edmonds is a former FBI translator who translated terror-related communications for the FBI right after 9/11. In that capacity, she read communications between terrorists and other radicals.

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Horns over Obamas head in isis speech.... WTF?

The guys and girls over at GLP catch a lot of great stuff but this is special!!! LMAO!!!


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Dana Milbank: Dick Cheney, still blindly beating the drums of war


It was just like the good old days.

Scooter Libby was in the front row. Paul Wolfowitz was in the second. And on the stage was Dick Cheney, beating the drums of war.

“The situation is dire, and defeating these terrorists will require immediate, sustained, simultaneous action across multiple fronts,” the former vice president proclaimed in a pre-buttal to President Obama’s prime-time speech on fighting the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

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Torture: New Details About the Scope of CIA Excesses 

The CIA brought top al-Qaeda suspects close “to the point of death” by drowning them in water-filled baths during interrogation sessions in the years that followed the September 11 attacks, a security source has told The Telegraph.

The description of the torture meted out to at least two leading al-Qaeda suspects, including the alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, far exceeds the conventional understanding of waterboarding, or “simulated drowning” so far admitted by the CIA.

“They weren’t just pouring water over their heads or over a cloth,” said the source who has first-hand knowledge of the period.

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Staged Foley, Sotloff Beheading Videos ‘Not Evidence’, US Determined to Wage War of Fear on Its Own People

To those who were paying attention, the ‘beheading’ videos of American journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff do not actually show anyone being beheaded, but that hasn’t stopped the entire US government machine from shifting into full-blown overseas war mode this week.

Much has been made of these two videos, yet, both are nothing more than crudely constructed propaganda videos, designed to start a new war at home, and abroad.

The beheading videos have been accompanied by hundreds of hours of ISIS footage and reports of ISIS violence in Iraq and Syria. Predictably, the public reaction is outrage and fear.

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Controversial filmmaker James O'Keefe posts video of 'terrorist' crossing Lake Erie from Canada

Is it possible a terrorist could enter Canada and attack the U.S. by crossing over Lake Erie with Ebola or ricin?

Usually America's southern border gets all the attention but controversial filmmaker James O'Keefe wants to change that, posting a video on YouTube of a fake ISIS terrorist walking into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame with a "mysterious" duffel bag of fake ricin.

In May, NewsChannel5 reporter Kristin Volk spoke about Lake Erie security issues with Tim Dimoff, a former law enforcement officer turned national security expert.

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'High Energy Objects' could be 30MM Bullets: MH17

It's very telling that the Dutch Safety Board stopped short of saying that MH17 was shot down by a BUK Missile System! They instead said it was shot down by high energy objects!

Are you kidding me?

I like the way they left the door open for the world to come to their own conclusions based on the evidence. They obviously didn't want to tell an outright lie.

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Lavrov condemns ceasefire violations and Ukrainian army “buildup”


Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, on a visit to Mali to renew the two countries’ long-standing co-operation, has spoken at length about terrorism in Africa and elsewhere, its origins, and what needs to be done to counter it.

However during journalists’ questions after the speeches, the issue of Ukraine forced its way into the conference hall.

Lavrov said: “About the negotiations on the future status of Southeast Ukraine, according to the protocol signed in Minsk it is expected to take a step in this direction. We hope this negotiation will start soon without preconditions, between the Ukrainian authorities and the leaders of Luhansk and Donetsk.”

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GOP Proposes Ban On Libyans Attending Flight Schools


EDITOR'S NOTE: The GOP did 9/11! Let's not get it twisted! This is just a good cop/bad cop scenario! Don't be fooled into thinking that the GOP wants to protect you! The GOP and the DEMONCRATS are on the same NWO team!

The ban on Libyans participating in these studies on American soil was put in place in 1983 amid terrorists incidents involving Libyans. In July, citing a “normalized” relations between Libya and the United States, the Obama administration approved a rule to lift the ban. 

If the Department of Homeland Security Sec. Jeh Johnson signs the final rule, the ban will be officially lifted. 

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Fake NATO Evidence. OSCE Confirms that No Russian Troops, No Tanks, have Crossed the Russia-Ukraine Border


Want to Reform the NSA? Give Edward Snowden Immunity

In 1970, Christopher Pyle disclosed in public writing that the U.S. Army was running a domestic intelligence program aimed at anti-war and civil-rights activists. His disclosure began a series of public-accountability leaks, the most famous of which was Daniel Ellsberg's leak of the Pentagon Papers. These disclosures, the FBI's notorious abuses in COINTELPRO, and the Watergate leaks taught Americans that the national-security system can take profoundly dangerous constitutional turns. They formed the foundation of the political will that led to the passage of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act in 1978. And although Ellsberg and his collaborator Anthony Russo were prosecuted, their cases were dismissed.

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Switzerland 'could grant Edward Snowden asylum if he testifies against NSA'

Switzerland would grant Edward Snowden asylum if he revealed the extent of espionage activities by the US government, recommendations by the Swiss Attorney General reportedly conclude.

According to Swiss newspaper Sonntags Zeitung, an official has said that Mr Snowden should be guaranteed safe entry and residency in the country, in return for his knowledge on America’s intelligence activities.

Last month, Mr Snowden was told he could remain in Russia for another three years.

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False Flag Weekly News with Kevin Barrett and Jim Fetzer


Countdown To Global Islamic False Flag Terror


The game plan is now set for Islamic terror attacks in Europe and the USA, and these attacks do not have to be directly related to ISIS..They have to be “Islamic terror flavored”.

False flag terror attacks in the Middle East-North Africa region have a long track record, and King Abdullah knows plenty about them. So does Israel. Recent disclosures by “persons with direct knowledge of the subject”, of course speaking on condition of anonymity about Israel's Mossad and its false flag Islamic terror campaign, give the example of Libya. Here, for more than 25 years, Mossad operated false flag terror. Until 2001, this was Islamic jihadist flavor. After, it was al Qaeda flavored. Gaddafi had to be unseated.

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police take hundreds of millions of dollars from motorists not charged with crimes

After the terror attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, the government called on police to become the eyes and ears of homeland security on America’s highways.

Local officers, county deputies and state troopers were encouraged to act more aggressively in searching for suspicious people, drugs and other contraband. The departments of Homeland Security and Justice spent millions on police training.

The effort succeeded, but it had an impact that has been largely hidden from public view: the spread of an aggressive brand of policing that has spurred the seizure of hundreds of millions of dollars in cash from motorists and others not charged with crimes, a Washington Post investigation found.

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Public Trust Has Dwindled With Rise in Income Inequality

Trust in others and confidence in societal institutions are at their lowest point in over three decades, analyses of national survey data reveal. The findings are forthcoming in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.

“Compared to Americans in the 1970s-2000s, Americans in the last few years are less likely to say they can trust others, and are less likely to believe that institutions such as government, the press, religious organizations, schools, and large corporations are ‘doing a good job,’” explains psychological scientist and lead researcher Jean M. Twenge of San Diego State University.

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Chomsky: U.S. Plunges the Cradle of Civilization into Disaster 

It is not pleasant to contemplate the thoughts that must be passing through the mind of the Owl of Minerva as the dusk falls and she undertakes the task of interpreting the era of human civilization, which may now be approaching its inglorious end.

The era opened almost 10,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent, stretching from the lands of the Tigris and Euphrates, through Phoenicia on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean to the Nile Valley, and from there to Greece and beyond. What is happening in this region provides painful lessons on the depths to which the species can descend.

The land of the Tigris and Euphrates has been the scene of unspeakable horrors in recent years.

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Phone Firewall Identifies Rogue Cell Towers Trying to Intercept Your Calls


Rogue cell phone towers can track your phone and intercept your calls, and it’s only a matter of time before they’re as ubiquitous as GPS trackers. But at least now there’s a way to spot them.

A firewall developed by the German firm GSMK for its secure CryptoPhone lets people know when a rogue cell tower is connecting to their phone.

It’s the first system available that can do this, though it’s currently only available for enterprise customers using Android phones.

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Sierra Leone plans nationwide lockdown to stop spread of Ebola

Sierra Leone plans a three-day nationwide lockdown in an effort to halt an Ebola outbreak that has killed hundreds, a move that a leading medical charity said Saturday will not help.

People will not be allowed to leave their homes for three days under the plan, set to start September 19. The lockdown is being billed as a predominantly social campaign rather than a medical one, in which volunteers will go door-to-door to talk to people.

"We believe this the best way for now to identify those who are sick and remove them from those who are well," said Alhaji Alpha Kanu, Sierra Leone's minister of information and communication.

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The Elites Are At WAR & Forcing Your Support

All this talk about ISIS = ICIAs is financial blackmail from one set of Elites To the Other! They are growing very impatient and if Assad is not taken down, there will be hell to pay. Everyone else is caught in the middle by proxy!

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