Dead Children: The Foundation of the NWO
Tuesday, February 22, 2011 at 04:47PM
Gangster Government

The karmic residue from the murder of innocent children will haunt the US and those responsible for all eternity! The killers will not be able to use the term "collateral damage" to escape justice on that sacred day! "Collateral damage" is nowhere recognized, or even mentioned, in humanitarian international law. In fact, intentional attacks of any sort on civilians are prohibited under "Common Article 3," which applies to all 4 Geneva Conventions. The US has signed and ratified the Geneva Conventions(although it never ratified two supplemental protocols of 1977 that spelled out the international rules of war in greater detail). Common Article 3 prohibits "at anytime and in any place whatsoever" violence, including murder, mutilation, cruel treatment, torture, and outrages to human dignity against protected persons - that is, "persons taking no active part in hostilities," such as civilians, the wounded, and prisoners of war.

Among the gravest contemporary instances of "collateral damage" were the sanctions enforced against Iraq between 1991 and 2003 and the slaughter of Afghan and Iraqi civilians in the wars waged by the US after 9/11.

On 5-11-96, the CBS TV program 60 minutes made famous one of the more notorious statistics in the history of Iraqi-American relations. In an interview with then secretary of state Madeleine Albright, correspondent Leslie Stahl said,"We have heard that a half million children have died as a result of the sanctions[in Iraq]. That's more than died in Hiroshima!" Then Stahl asked, "Is the price worth it?" Albright replied,"I think this is a very hard choice, but we think the price is worth it."

In Afghanistan, officials alleged Sunday that a U.S. military operation in the remote mountains of northeastern Afghanistan killed 65 innocent people, including 22 women and more than 30 children, the most serious allegation of civilian casualties in months.

Chalmers Johnson(R.I.P.) wrote in his "The Sorrows of Empire"(Henry Holt and Co.) that, given the abnormal clusters of childhood cancers and deformities in Iraq as well as Kosovo, the evidence points "toward a significant role for DU."

By insisting on its use, Johnson adds, "The military is deliberately flouting a 1996 United Nations resolution that classifies DU ammunition as an illegal weapon of mass destruction."

The price of liberty is eternal vigilance against the NWO!

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